Hello, world 2

This is my first post intentionally created for this stream. If all goes well, there will be many more after this—ideally none so meta. Prior posts have been (selectively) copied from my existing notes or tweets, toots, scrawls, and musings scattered around the internet.


—mumbles about data sovereignty and “blogging as a revolutionary art practice”.— I don’t want to ever need to post on more than one social media site. So why not make my own. And it’ll be on my website where no one else can take it down– except for Vercel, [redacted to avoid phishing], Amazon, Microsoft, and some motley collection of ICANN key-holders, certificate authorities, and nation states.

More practically, I read too many of Robin Sloan’s blog posts; Maggie Appleton’s budding notes format inspired me to publish earlier; and this specific format was lifted almost completely from Linus Lee (with more motivation from Grant Custer)

Nerdy details that were helpful to me when I setting up: First here’s the repo. To make sure I write here regularly (some of this might not have happened yet on April 22, 2023), the src/content/note folder is symlinked to daily notes in my obsidian vault. This then gets synced to all my devices with Syncthing (Mobious Sync on iOS). When I have notes, I simply write them down there. I’ll need to occassionally push the project to Github, but hopefully there will be a way to automate that too. Long-term maybe this will also syndicate to other parts of the web #POSSE. I’ll need to decide on an ideal method of “translating” them first.

I reserve the right to come back and change things at a later date. For my sanity this will be reserved to typo’s and fixes withing a three day window. Any edits can also be seen on Github.


  • Publish and sign externally one day
  • Nicer tag formatting
  • Bidirectional links for when I eventually reference a correction in a different note months later.